Service Directory
Volunteer Directory
Preschool Ministry
Preschool Sunday Morning Greeter Team/Noah’s Neighborhood Greeter’s Desk
Role: Welcome members and visitors as they enter the Preschool area. They are prepared to answer questions and provide information about FBC. They help visitors register their children for Preschool Sunday school or Children’s Sunday school and then escort them to their assigned rooms.
Scheduled: Serve every other Sunday: 9:10-9:30 a.m. or 10:40-11 a.m.
Commitment: 1-2 times per month
Staff/ Volunteer contact: Libby Laughlin -
Preschool Wednesday Night Greeter/Noah’s Neighborhood Greeter’s Desk
Role: Welcome members and visitors as they enter the Preschool area. They are prepared to answer questions and provide information about Noah's Bible Club (NBC) and FBC. They help visitors register their children and then escort them to their assigned rooms.
Scheduled: Times are currently: 5:40 – 6:10 pm.
Commitment: 1-2 times per month
Staff/ Volunteer contact: Libby Laughlin -
Preschool Sunday School Leadership Positions
Preschool Sunday school is provided weekly for children birth through kindergarten. All volunteers must complete a background check and Ministry Safe video before serving in a room.
Preschool Small Group Leader
Role: Small Group Leaders are expected to arrive 15 minutes prior to the session and co-lead the class with at least one more adult Small Group Leader. Each Small Group Leader shares in the leading of classroom activities aimed at giving preschoolers a first impression of their Heavenly Father. The LifeWay curriculum, Bible Studies for Life, is used for children “walkers” (ones) through Kindergarten and all curriculum and lesson materials are provided weekly for you. All we ask is that you read through the lesson before arriving on Sunday.
Scheduled: Preschoolers benefit most when Small Group Leaders commit to working every Sunday, since this provides the consistency they need. However, there is also the option of working either “odd” months (January, March, etc.) or “even” months (February, April, etc.), where you work all Sundays in that month.
Commitment: 1 Year August to August - Our goal is to have at least one leader in each class who works every month, who can serve as the “Classroom Leader.”
Staff/ Volunteer contact: Libby Laughlin -
Preschool Substitute Teacher (Sundays or Wednesdays)
Role: Substitute Teachers serve on an as-needed basis in a preschool class whenever a Small Group Leader has to be out.
Scheduled: Sunday Morning Substitutes serve during the hour they prefer and with the age group they prefer. Whenever they serve, they are provided with the lesson plan and are asked to lead all activities as outlined. They are also asked to arrive at least 15 minutes prior to the session they are teaching.
Wednesday Evening Substitutes are also asked to arrive 15 minutes prior to class and the lesson and materials are provided in the classroom.
Commitment: 1 year August to August
Staff/ Volunteer contact: Charlene -
Preschool Sunday Age-Level Coordinators
Role: Leaders provide coordination and leadership over a particular age level during a particular hour (i.e., Infant/Toddlers 9:30). They arrive early (20 minutes prior to their session) to begin checking in the teachers. They stand in the hallways outside their group of classrooms, making sure each class has a teacher, and shifting teachers and children as needed until adequate coverage is available. Between weeks, they serve as the point person for the Small Group Leaders in their age level, tracking when teachers will be out and who will be substituting, providing assistance with arranging substitutes when needed. As a last resort, they may be asked to step into a classroom if a teacher is unable to teach at the last minute and no substitute can be located. Once all teachers have arrived, they also check in with the teachers and see if they need any additional supplies for their session.
Scheduled: Sundays for a specific time session. Once all teachers have arrived and are settled, the coordinators are free to leave. Weekly tracking of teacher attendance and substitute need
Commitment: 1 year, August to August
Staff/ Volunteer contact: Libby Laughlin -
Preschool Wednesday Night Noah's Bible Club (NBC) Leadership Positions
NBC is the Wednesday evening discipleship program designed for preschoolers ages three through Kindergarten. It is patterned after the Awana program but uses the Sunday school curriculum as its foundation.
Preschool Glow Small Group Leader
Role: Leader serves in a preschool class on Wednesdays from 6:00-7:30 pm (arriving at 5:45 pm) with children 3 years-Kindergarten. They co-lead the class with at least two more adult Small Group Leaders. Each Small Group Leader shares in the leading of classroom activities aimed at giving preschoolers a fun and active way to learn Bible Stories. Preschoolers begin the evening in their classes, they move into a large group assembly time where they participate in a time of worship and hear the Bible story, learn about missions and learn Bible skills. The Bible story is then reviewed during small group time, as well as Bible application activities being done in small groups.
Scheduled: Wednesday night during the school year 5:45 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Commitment: Last Wednesday in August through last Wednesday in May
Staff/ Volunteer contact: Libby Laughlin -
Other Preschool Ministry Opportunities
Preschool Material Gathering Assistants
Role: Assist the Preschool Ministry Assistant, Leigh Milner on various days during the week. They are responsible for gathering all the materials that will be used by the small group leaders on Sundays and Wednesdays. They are given a list of materials that need to be gathered from the Resource Room and the Supply Room and then place these materials in the tubs for each assigned room.
Scheduled: Usually 1-2 hours per week. Days and times are all coordinated through the Preschool Ministry Assistant.
Commitment: 1 year August to August
Staff/ Volunteer contact: Leigh Milner -
Preschool Resource Room/Supply Room Coordinator
Role: This person or group of people is responsible for keeping the Resource Room and the Supply Room organized. They also will keep the Preschool Ministry Assistant informed on any and all materials that need to be ordered when inventory is running low.
Scheduled: Varies depending on what needs to be done in these two rooms. Times are coordinated with the Preschool Ministry Assistant.
Commitment: 1 year August to August
Staff/ Volunteer contact: Leigh Milner -
Mothers Of Preschoolers (MOPS) volunteer
MOPS is an international nondenominational program that is designed to provide support and encouragement to mothers with preschoolers. This is done through fellowship, devotionals, speakers, and creative activities. We, at FBC, have a local group of MOPS that meets on the first and third Wednesdays of each month from September through May from 9:30 – 11:30. This program is a volunteer driven and offers FBC members many different opportunities to serve. Our MOPS group is led by a Steering Team. The Steering Team volunteers are moms with preschoolers and they can serve on the Steering team for three years or until they no longer have preschoolers whichever comes first. Steering team positions are: MOPS Coordinator, Hospitality Coordinator, Discussion Group Team Coordinator, Creative Activities Coordinator, MOPPETS (childcare) Coordinator, Finance Coordinator, Service Team Coordinator, and Publicity Coordinator. One must be a member of the local MOPS group to serve on the steering team.
MOPPETS Volunteer
Role: Care for the preschoolers of the mothers attending our MOPS group here at FBC Midlothian. These preschoolers range in age from birth through pre-kindergarten. Each volunteer along with their teaching partner, is asked to care for the age group they are given and to lead their preschoolers in a brief, fun Bible lesson. Curriculum is provided for each age group and all the materials are gathered and provided for you as well. All volunteers need to complete the church Volunteer Screening Packet before serving.
Scheduled: First and third Wednesdays of each month. Volunteers are asked to be here 30 minutes before the program starts so volunteer hours on these Wednesdays would be 9:00 – 11:45.
Commitment: September thru May
Staff/Volunteer Contact: Kelli Siegler, MOPPETs Coordinator -
Noah’s Ark Bible School
Noah’s Ark Bible School is FBC’s two day a week Mother’s Day Out program. This program serves children 6 months through Pre-kindergarten. It is open during the school year September through May on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8:30 – 2:00. Prekindergarten students have the option of a third day of academic training on Wednesdays from 8:30 – 11:30. This mother’s day out program offers curriculum to prepare preschoolers for Kindergarten through the use of several different curriculums. Many of the teachers are former grade school teachers.
NABS Teacher
Role: This is a paid position. A high school diploma is the minimum educational requirement for applying. It is preferred that anyone seeking employment has had experience working with preschoolers in a similar care situation. All applicants must have background checks done before being employed. Applications are available online and at the Noah’s Neighborhood greeter’s desk.
Scheduled: Each teacher is expected to work 14 hours each week, arriving at 8:00 am on Tuesdays and Thursdays and leaving between 2:30 and 3:00. Staff will also be paid for Fun Fridays (monthly planning meetings) and special programs that take place during the school year.
Commitment: Part time paid position. School Year September to May.
Staff/ Volunteer contact: Brooke Mann -
KIDlothian & Ignite (Children's Ministry)
KIDlothian (1st though 4th grade ministry) and Ignite (5th & 6th grade ministry) volunteers are scheduled between two different time blocks Sundays and Wednesdays:
Team A serves 9:30am - 10:45am
Team B serves 11:00am - 12:15pm
GLOW team serves from 6pm - 7:30pm
Sunday Small Group Leader
Role: Make Bible stories come life and be applicable to their lives throughout the small group teaching time. Build meaningful relationship with the kids and their families.
Scheduled: Each Sunday
Commitment: 1 Year
Staff/Volunteer Contact: Curtis Barrett -
Sunday Small Group Leader (Substitute)
Role: Substitute for Small Group Leader. See small group leader description above.
Scheduled: Serve when a small group leader is absent on Sunday.
Commitment: As Needed
Staff/Volunteer Contact: Curtis Barrett -
Role: Serve the kids and their families as they arrive to Bible Study. This includes greeting and check-in at one of the attendance/security kiosks. Lead new guests/families to the appropriate classrooms.
Scheduled: Each Sunday
Commitment: 1 Year
Staff/Volunteer Contact: Curtis Barrett -
Resource/Materials Coordinator
Role: Collect, prepare &/or assemble small group materials. Assist in shopping & purchasing materials for small groups.
Scheduled: Weekly
Commitment: 1 Year
Staff/Volunteer Contact: Curtis Barrett -
Prayer Team Member
Role: Pray for kids ministry, families, leaders, and Kid's Ministry Leaders. This team will receive a periodic email of prayer needs from KIDlothian Ministries/Ignite Ministry Leaders.
Scheduled: Weekly
Commitment: 1 Year
Staff/Volunteer Contact: Curtis Barrett -
Wednesday Small Group Leader
Role: Make the bible story come and be applicable to their lives throughout the small group teaching time. Build meaningful relationship with the kids and their families.
Scheduled: Each Wednesday
Commitment: 1 Year
Staff/Volunteer Contact: Curtis Barrett -
Wednesday Small Group Leader (Substitute)
Role: Substitute for Small Group Leader. See small group leader description above.
Scheduled: Serve when a small group leader is absent on Wednesday
Commitment: As Needed
Staff/Volunteer Contact: Curtis Barrett -
Worship Leader
Role: Serve kids by leading them in worship with games, songs, activities and prayer.
Scheduled: Each Wednesday
Commitment: 1 Year
Staff/Volunteer Contact: Curtis Barrett -
Worship Tech Team
Role: Help assist with KIDlothian worship leaders as they lead kids in worship by running sound or media.
Commitment: 1 Year
Staff/Volunteer Contact: Curtis Barrett -
Summer Blast Volunteer (aka Vacation Bible School)
Summer Blast is one of the most important outreach ministries of FBC Midlothian. It is a fun-filled week of exciting activity and Bible study for children Going into Kindergarten through Completed Fifth Grade. Each year the lessons and activities focus around an exciting theme. Volunteers are needed to fill a multitude of positions, the most important of which are small group leaders. At least two adult small group leaders are needed to serve in each age group classroom of children. On average we have between 500 – 600 children attending our Summer Blast program each year, so it take a large number of volunteers to make this happen.
Role: Listed below are the teams where volunteers can serve during Summer Blast
Scheduled: Varies depending on volunteer task description
Commitment: Days preparing for Summer blast/Summerblast/post Summerblast depends on task
Staff/Volunteer Contact:
Preschool - Leigh Milner -
Elementary - Nicole Weldon -
· Preschool small group leader
Along with co-leader, you will lead the Bible study application activities with your small group, using the curriculum and resources provided. Each class will contain no more than 22 students with 4 leaders (2adult and 2 youth)
· Preschool Craft Team
Prepare and lead preschoolers through their daily craft activity
· Preschool Recreation Team
Prepare and lead preschoolers through their daily recreation activities
· Preschool Worship Team
Prepare and lead preschoolers in worship through songs and skits.
· School-age small group leader
Along with co-leader, you will lead the Bible study application activities with your small group, using the curriculum and resources provided. Each grade will be divided into small groups of approximately 20-25 students with three leaders per small group.
· School-age Recreation Team
Prepare and lead children (1st – 5th grade) through their daily recreation activities
· School-age Worship Team
Prepare and lead children (1st – 5th grade) in worship through songs and skits.
· Registration Team
Help prepare and send out registration confirmation packets prior to Summer Blast. Man the registration table during Summer Blast to register any children that come in during the week.
· Snack Team
Help prepare and deliver the snack that will be served to all the children and preschoolers participating in Summer Blast.
· Hospitality Team
Help prepare and serve the “snacks” provided for the adult and youth volunteers during Summer Blast.
· Host Team
Warmly greet and assist families by directing them to the appropriate rooms for their children as they arrive or directing them to the registration table to complete their registration. During pick-up time, assist with the security process by ensuring that all parents have proper security cards to pick up their children, directing them to the remigration table if they did not bring their security card.
· Supply Team
This team’s work will be done during the few weeks leading up to Summer Blast, during day time hours. Separate teams will assist with organizing Bible study supplies for Preschool and School-age Children. This team will prepare, gather and organize the supplies needed for their age group, putting them into tubs for each day of curriculum, then setting the tubs in the appropriate rooms.
· Decoration Team
Most of this team’s work is done during the few weeks leading up to Summer Blast. The team will be responsible for decorating the preschool and school-age spaces as well as the church’s common areas.
· Logistics Team
Helps with room set-up on the Sunday before Summer Blast and then assist with putting the church back into its normal set-up on after Summer Blast is over.
· Missions Counting Team
Responsible for counting the missions offering and tallying the collections according to the offering contest rules the morning after each evening of Summer Blast. The results need to be reported to the Kids Pastor and the Preschool Minister before the next evening’s events begin.
Student Ministry
Youth Ministry is only as effective as the leaders who are pouring their lives into teenagers. Our ministry is set up to allow our volunteers to truly impact lives. Please prayerfully consider the positions that we have and if there is another way you feel you could aid our ministry then please contact David Billman
Discussion Group Leader
Role: Facilitate discussion with 8-12 middle or high school students following a short master teaching time on Sunday morning. The emphasis for these leaders it to teach through conversation, not through lecture.
Scheduled: Each Sunday
Commitment: 1 Year
Staff/Volunteer Contact: David Billman - or Gray Gardner -
Discussion Group Coordinator
Role: Individual will help lead the leaders. He or she should also be a Discussion Group Leader and will assist in communicating between leaders and staff, finding subs, and helping everyone stay on the same page.
Scheduled: Each Sunday
Commitment: 1 Year
Staff/Volunteer Contact: David Billman - or Gray Gardner -
Student Leadership Team Coordinator
Role: Individual will be responsible for leading a team of student leaders. These students will serve on sub-teams on Sunday mornings and Wednesday nights. The Student Leadership Team Coordinator will shepherd this group of students as a whole, leading them in a monthly meetings, as well as assisting in communication between sub-team leaders and staff.
Scheduled: Sunday mornings and Wednesday nights
Commitment: 1 year
Staff/Volunteer Contact: David Billman - or Gray Gardner -
Worship Team Coordinator
Role: Worship Team Coordinator will assist student musicians in organizing a band rotation, preparing set lists for Elevate on Sundays and Wednesdays, and practicing once per week. This leader will not be expected to lead worship with the students.
Scheduled: Weekly
Commitment: 1 year
Staff/Volunteer Contact: David Billman - or Gray Gardner -
Worship Tech Team Leader
Role: Worship Tech Team Leader will assist a team of students responsible for working all audio and video technologies during Elevate on Sundays and Wednesdays. The Worship Tech Team Leader will not be expected to serve during every service, but to train and organize a rotation of students to serve.
Scheduled: Weekly
Commitment: 1 year
Staff/Volunteer Contact: David Billman - or Gray Gardner -
Creative Media Team Leader
Role: Individual will be responsible for leading a team of students in planning all creative media for Elevate on Wednesday nights. Creative media includes videos, games, stage designs, and skits, among other things.
Scheduled: Weekly
Commitment: 1 year
Staff/Volunteer Contact: David Billman - or Gray Gardner -
Hospitality Team Coordinator
Role: Hospitality Team Coordinator will lead a group of students to create a welcoming environment in the Loft on Sunday morning and Wednesday nights. They will deploy students to greet, help with sign-in, welcome newcomers, and assist with the snack bar.
Scheduled: Weekly commitment on Sundays at 9:30am or 11am OR Wednesdays at 5:30pm
Commitment: 1 year
Staff/Volunteer Contact: David Billman - or Gray Gardner -
Fundraising Team Captain
Role: This individual will be responsible for leading a team of students to help plan and implement fundraising initiatives for the student ministry.
Scheduled: Weekly
Commitment: 1 year
Staff/Volunteer Contact: David Billman - or Gray Gardner -
Adult Ministry Volunteer Opportunities
Adult Bible Fellowship Positions
Adult Bible Fellowships are the mid-sized Bible study groups that meet weekly on our campus (Sunday morning). They are organized around specific life stages. These groups provide a step into biblical community and Bible study.
Adult Bible Fellowship (ABF) Teacher
Role: Provides leadership to the ABF team. Leads the Bible study time each week as part of the adult class.
Scheduled: Each week or on a rotation basis as part of a teaching team.
Commitment: 1 Year
Staff/Volunteer Contact: Richard Cody -
ABF Host
Role: Greets attendees at the door, checks role and helps coordinate events within each classroom. This individual should be up-to-date on current events in the church and make announcements as needed.
Scheduled: Weekly each Sunday.
Commitment: 1 Year
Staff/Volunteer Contact: Richard Cody -
ABF Fellowship Coordinator
Role: Plans and promotes fellowship activities throughout the year in the adult class.
Scheduled: As needed
Commitment: 1 Year
Staff/Volunteer Contact: Richard Cody -
ABF Prayer Coordinator
Role: Engages the class in meaningful times of prayer sharing prayer requests with others in the class.
Scheduled: As needed
Commitment: 1 Year
Staff/Volunteer Contact: Richard Cody -
ABF Ministry Coordinator
Role: Promotes ministry and mission activities to the class and helps connect the class to mission and ministry activities of the church.
Scheduled: As needed
Commitment: 1 Year
Staff/Volunteer Contact: Richard Cody -
Short term Bible Study Groups
Short term Bible study groups meet for a specific length of time (usually 3-13 weeks) on a designated night (typically on Wednesday or Sunday nights) for a specific study. These studies may be grouped by gender, life stage or by topic.
Bible Study Group Teacher
Role: Teach the Bible study material each week or serve as part of a teaching team during the course of study.
Scheduled: Per Series
Commitment: As Needed - Commit to teaching entire series
Staff/Volunteer Contact: Richard Cody -
Bible Study Group Host
Role: Welcome attendees at the door and ensures a welcoming atmosphere in the room.
Scheduled: Per Series
Commitment: As Needed - Commit to serve during the duration of the series
Staff/Volunteer Contact: Richard Cody -
Bible Study Group Prayer Leader
Role: Lead the prayer time for the group or coordinate the prayer time during the course of study.
Scheduled: Per Series
Commitment: As Needed - Commit to serve during the duration of the series
Staff/Volunteer Contact: Richard Cody -
Life Groups
Life Groups are small groups that meet regularly in homes. These groups are relationally driven and meet for the purposes of authentic biblical community, application of biblical truths, and accountability in following God’s commands. Meeting days and times are determined by each group.
Life Group (LG) Leader
Role: Leads the LG leadership team. Facilitates the discussion and study period of the life group meeting.
Scheduled: Meeting days and times are determined by each group.
Commitment: 1 Year
Staff/Volunteer Contact: Richard Cody -
Life Group Apprentice
Role: This person is preparing to lead a new group and helps with the leadership of the discussion at the meetings. The Apprentice takes on more responsibility as time goes on and is ready to launch a new group at the designated time.’
Scheduled: Meeting days and times are determined by each group.
Commitment: 1 Year
Staff/Volunteer Contact: Richard Cody -
Life Group Prayer Leader
Role: Shares prayer requests with other members of the LG and helps lead the prayer time at each meeting.
Scheduled: Meeting days and times are determined by each group.
Commitment: 1 Year
Staff/Volunteer Contact: Richard Cody -
Life Group Host
Role: Provides the home (or coordinates homes) where the LG will be meeting. Insures a pleasant, safe environment free from distractions.
Scheduled: Meeting days and times are determined by each group.
Commitment: 1 Year
Staff/Volunteer Contact: Richard Cody -
Life Group Childcare Coordinator
Role: Coordinates the care and activities for children (when needed) during the LG meeting.
Scheduled: Meeting days and times are determined by each group.
Commitment: 1 Year
Staff/Volunteer Contact: Richard Cody -
Marriage Ministry Team
Want to help an engaged couple get off to a great start? Want to help married couples run the race more effectively? Want to help couples who have gotten off track? Here are some ways to do that:
Small Group Leader
Role: Host a group of couples in your home or in the homes of other members. Facilitate discussion about topics related to Sunday messages or use video based materials and facilitate discussions about marriage. Lead couples in times of prayer. Encourage couples to work and play and worship together as intimate partners.
Scheduled: Group usually meets 2 times per month. Preview materials for meetings and prepare to lead discussion. Check on your group members each week via texts, emails or calls.
Commitment: Meet with group 2 times per month for at least one year.
Staff/Volunteer Contact: Ben Condray - or
Richard Cody -
Short Term Class Leader/Facilitator
Role: Lead a couples’ class, a class for husbands or a class for wives (usually during Wednesday night activities). Classes may be book-based, video- based or a combination of the two.
Scheduled: Short term classes can last anywhere from 4 weeks to 13 weeks and can be an hour to an hour and a half in length.
Commitment: Leaders prepare thoroughly by previewing and/or gathering materials each week and prepare to lead discussions. They must be in the classroom at least 10 minutes before each class begins to greet class members and stay after class at least 10 minutes for follow-up discussions.
Staff/Volunteer Contact: Ben Condray - or
Richard Cody -
Event Volunteer
Role: Help in a variety of ways for a marriage conferences, retreats or workshop including helping with promotion, registration, set up and decoration, greeting, running errands, soliciting prizes, hosting speakers, compiling workbooks and other materials, running errands and the like.
Scheduled: We usually host 2 to 4 marriage enrichment events each year.
Commitment: The commitment will vary depending on the need and assignment, but usually will require a few hours of time before, during or after the event.
Staff/Volunteer Contact: Ben Condray -
New - Teacher of Nearly Married/Newly Married Couples
Role: Teach a 13 week class (probably on Sunday morning or Sunday evening) for couples who are engaged or recently married.
Scheduled: Sunday time to be determined
Commitment: Prepare and teach a one hour class for 13 weeks. Make contacts with class members during the week. Refer those members who have special needs or circumstances to counselors.
Staff/Volunteer Contact: Ben Condray -
Date Night Coordinator
Role: Oversee the planning and implementation of a quarterly event to encourage couples to make the most of their leisure time together. This coordinator will have to work with church staff to promote these events, enlist volunteers, prepare materials and distribute them to couples on the assigned nights.
Scheduled: Approximately 4-6 hours of preparation in the days prior to the event and a couple of hours the night of the event.
Commitment: Quarterly events
Staff/Volunteer Contact: Ben Condray -
Worship Ministry
Music Ministry
Vocalist / Worship Choir Member
Role: Volunteer to sing in a choir or in a small ensemble. Sings for the congregation approximately twice a month. Song choices are varied, everything from black gospel to movie soundtrack, to electric guitar driven. This is the hub of our vocal ministries. No audition necessary
Commitment: Weekly rehearsals at 6:30 p.m. and twice a month or as scheduled when leading in worship. We take the summer months off as a break.
Staff/Volunteer Contact: Tim Hale -
Praise Team (9:30 & 11am Contemporary Services)
Role: Vocal talents to lead musical worship during our contemporary worship services. Musical styling includes modern rock, pop, electronic and alternative sounds. Must be able to harmonize without sheet music & learn new songs quickly. Praise Team Members also must be comfortable on-stage and able to lead the congregation vocally alone or a part of a core group. (audition required)
Commitment: Twice a month. Availability for weekly Wednesday evening rehearsals; Sundays warm ups begin at 8 a.m. and include serving in all morning and evening services. Each member of our Praise Team must be a faithful member of our Worship Choir.
Staff/Volunteer Contact: Tim Hale -
Praise Band (9:30 & 11am Contemporary Services)
Role: Play your instrument in an instrumental ensemble or as a soloist during our traditional services (audition required). Members of this team must be able to learn songs very quickly. Play solo parts and lead songs based on song selection.
Commitment: Twice a month. Availability for Wednesday evening rehearsals; Sundays warm ups begin at 8 a.m. and include serving in all morning and evening services.
Staff/Volunteer Contact: Tim Hale -
Traditional Vocalist
Role: Sing hymns and other songs with the Tradition Service Praise Team.
Commitment: One hour of rehearsal each Wednesday night, warm-up at 7:15 am on Sundays and perform in service at 8:15 on Sundays.
Staff/Volunteer Contact: Albert Love -
Traditional Instrumentalists
Role: Play your instrument in an instrumental ensemble or as a soloist during our traditional services (audition required)
Commitment: One hour of rehearsal each Wednesday night, warm-up at 7:15 am on Sundays and perform in service at 8:15 on Sundays.
Staff/Volunteer Contact: Albert Love -
Musicians (Student Ministry)
Role: Talented student volunteers use their vocal or instrumental talents to lead musical worship during our Wednesday worship services. Musical styling includes modern rock, pop, electronic and alternative sounds. Must be able to harmonize without sheet music & learn new songs quickly. Teens and young adults are invited to audition and must be comfortable on-stage.
Commitment: Rotating schedule and participation during Wednesday night youth services.
Staff/Volunteer Contact: Gray Gardner -
Creative Ministry
Worship Creative Team (Contemporary Services)
Role: Meet monthly with other fun and creative people to brainstorm and creatively execute the ideas given by staff for the worship services
Commitment: Meets once a month for 90 minutes; serve one month and then rotate off; some homework outside of meetings
Staff/Volunteer Contact: Tim Hale -
Worship Researcher
Role: Research worship ideas to be shared with Creative Teams, including ideas for music, videos, drama, staging design, etc. for worship series. Love for gathering creative ideas to support the worship series is a must! Ideas may be presented weekly at Creative Team meeting or as needed.
Commitment: 1-3 hours of researching per week; attendance at Creative Team meeting when needed
Staff/Volunteer Contact: Tim Hale -
Staging & Props Volunteers (9:30 & 11am Contemporary Services)
Role: Assist Worship Team in designing and executing staging ideas, including building props and staging pieces to create a desired effect
Commitment: Availability for brainstorming sessions, building sessions, and tear down for each series
Staff/Volunteer Contact: Tim Hale -
Stage Hand (9:30 & 11am Contemporary Services)
Role: Care for and execute all stage transitions that include moving of objects, stools, mics, tables, etc. during the worship service. Your role allows our services to run smoothly and efficiently by managing these transitions.
Commitment: As needed. Availability to come early on Sunday mornings to receive instructions regarding the transitions in the service that day.
Staff/Volunteer Contact: Tim Hale -
Tech Team/Audio/Visual Opportunities
Tech Director
Role: The Tech Director supervises the Tech Team during rehearsals and services. They provide training on equipment and techniques, ensure communication between team members and the worship teams, help to fix problems, and ensure the overall services run smoothly.
Commitment: Approximately twice a month. Availability for rehearsals and services in which you are serving.
Staff/Volunteer Contact: Tim Hale -
Sound Engineer (All Services)
Role: Operate the audio mixer board and oversees everything related to sound & all audio needs during our worship services. Will receive lengthy training on our sound system. Great place to learn how to run sound!
Commitment: Generally once a month. Availability for Wednesday evening rehearsals; Sundays warm ups begin at 8 a.m. and include serving in all morning and evening services.
Staff/Volunteer Contact: Tim Hale -
Camera Operators (9:30 & 11am Contemporary Services)
Role: Operate the HD video cameras that are used on our images and in out YouTube vodcasts. Will receive training and have a video director each week to help get the best shots.
Commitment: Twice a month. Availability for weekly Wednesday evening rehearsals; Sundays warm ups begin at 8 a.m. and include serving in all morning and evening services. Each member of our Praise Team must be a faithful member of our Worship Choir.
Staff/Volunteer Contact: Tim Hale -
Computer Operators (All Services)
Role: Operate the PC that runs all our software presentation system that allows our people to see all the lyrics, graphics, video and PowerPoint that goes on in our services. Will receive training.
Commitment: Requires Wednesday night rehearsal, Sunday AM rehearsal and services.
Staff/Volunteer Contact: Tim Hale -
Video Director
Role: Operate the video switcher, direct the camera operators via headset, and operate lighting cues. This is a hands-on position that requires attentiveness and knowledge of camera angles and framing.
Commitment: Approximately twice a month. Availability for Wednesday evening rehearsals; Sundays warm ups begin at 8 a.m. and include serving in the 9:30 and 11:00 contemporary services.
Staff/Volunteer Contact: Tim Hale -
Senior Adults
"Explorers" is the umbrella name for our Senior Adult Ministry. We are actually a group of Ministries that serve in several capacities. The heart of Explorers is bible study; a traditional Sunday morning study that meets at 9:30 and a Wednesday morning group that meets at 10:00 am. We call the Wednesday session MidWeek MidDay (MWMD). MWMD consists of singing favorite hymns, a time of prayer, followed by an in-depth bible study led by our pastor. All of this is followed by a time of fellowship.
We take the name "Explorers" serious and stay very active. Every month we take at least one, and often more, day trips to various sites in the Dallas/Ft. Worth metroplex. We take two or three overnight trips each year. We have been to Austin, Galveston, San Antonio, Abilene, Branson MO, and Vicksburg MS to name a few. We also have an eating out fellowship each month.
We encourage you to visit the "Explorers" bulletin board at the church for information about up-coming activities.
“Stitches of Love" Team
Role: Group of talented individuals who make items which are donated to metroplex hospitals.
Scheduled: Tuesday Morning
Commitment: Open
Staff/Volunteer Contact: Don Reese -
"Explorers Home Ministry" Team
Role: Group of class volunteers who keep tabs on church members who can no longer attend church functions and be actively involved.
Scheduled: Tuesday morning
Commitment: Open
Staff/Volunteer Contact: Don Reese -
"His Helping Hands" Team
Role: Provides random acts of kindness t o church members & the community as a whole.
Scheduled: As needed
Commitment: Open
Staff/Volunteer Contact: Don Reese -
Special Needs Ministry
While there are numerous individuals in the Midlothian area who are physically and/or mentally challenged, there are limited opportunities for these individuals to attend church activities and become a part of a church family. In addition, the parents and families of these individuals face difficult situations at times and would benefit from a ministry from which they could receive support and encouragement.
FBC’s Special Needs Ministry began in August of 2013 to meet these needs. Below is a the list of ways volunteers can join in and serve this special population.
Special Needs Buddy
Role: Most of our special needs individuals desire to be included in the regular classroom with their peers. A Buddy is someone who attends with them and assists in ways that helps that individual participate to the best of their ability. They may help by explaining an assignment, modifying an activity, interpreting instructions, taking the individual to the Sensory Room for a less stimulating, educational environment, etc. Buddies need to have had experience working with individuals with special needs and need to be at least in high school. Adults with an education in special needs are greatly desired but a Special Needs degree is not a requirement to serve.
Scheduled: As needed
Commitment: As needed
Staff/ Volunteer contact: Mary Eubanks -
Sign Language Interpreter
Role: Currently we provide sign interpretation of the 11:00 worship service each Sunday. Volunteers who would like to assist with the interpretation need to be fluent in American Sign Language (ASL).
Scheduled: As needed
Commitment: As needed
Staff/ Volunteer contact: Mary Eubanks -
First Impressions (Hospitality)
First Impressions volunteers are the first group of people our members and guests see on Sundays at our church and are vital parts of making all who attend feel welcome. This eases any complications for our guests visiting a new church. The First Impressions team helps members and guests find a parking spot, find their way to children’s ministry, find their way to a Bible Study Group, or to the Worship Center. The First Impressions Group pass out programs, collect offerings, assist the elderly or handicapped and do so much more. Sundays would not work as well without this vital group of volunteers.
Parking Team
Role: The parking team is looking for volunteers to help setup parking signs and/or direct the flow of traffic at our campus. Volunteering on this team isn't about putting cars into a space or driving a bus, but about creating a friendly & safe environment where people feel genuinely welcomed.
Scheduled: The current teams serve before and between Sunday services
Commitment: 1 year
Staff/Volunteer Contact: Julie Loose -
Shuttle Team
Role: The church experience begins in the parking lot. The First Impressions parking and shuttle team is an enthusiastic, welcoming, and smiling group of people who are the first faces of FBC. This team literally makes the first impression on every guest and helps shuttle folks in the church buses from the outlaying parking lots. CDL driver’s license and regular driver’s license drivers needed.
Scheduled: Rotation basis every 5 to 6 weeks
Commitment: 1 year
Staff/Volunteer Contact: Julie Loose -
Transportation Team
Role: First Impressions team members are available to provide transportation to help our students and handicapped get to church activities of all sorts. If you can drive your vehicle, or one provided this is a ministry for you.
Scheduled: As needed
Commitment: As needed
Staff/Volunteer Contact: Julie Loose -
Role: This First Impressions team actively greets members and visitors as they arrive at the entrance. They demonstrate God’s love with every smile and hello. Conversations are short, but the potential to make a lasting impression is immeasurable. They insure visitors are introduced to one of our hosts. Do you have a cheerful smile and enjoy welcoming people? If so, this will be the place of service for you. Greeters are energetic, talkative, and friendly. Members and guests who are relaxed are more likely to respond to a sermon.
Scheduled: Weekly as scheduled
Commitment: 1 Year
Staff/Volunteer Contact: Julie Loose -
Role: First Impressions host teams actively engages with our first time guests to ensure they are relaxed and know exactly where the auditorium, children's check-in, and restrooms are located. Are you the kind of person who never meets a stranger? Do you enjoy going out of your way to ensure that guests feel welcomed? This team is critical to loving each guest that walks through our door.
Scheduled: Weekly as scheduled
Commitment: 1 year
Staff/Volunteer Contact: Julie Loose -
Greeter Team Captain
Role: First Impressions Greeting Team Captains lead a Sunday morning team of greeters, ushers, and hosts. They provide leadership and oversight to ensure guests and members to FBC are given special attention and know they are noticed, valued, and loved by God and this community.
Scheduled: Weekly as scheduled
Commitment: 1 year
Staff/Volunteer Contact: Julie Loose -
First Impressions Information Desk
Role: This First Impressions group is known as personable and always ready to help answer questions. Our information desk is a location where people can find out more information about the church and get connected to our church community. These volunteers love helping people plug into FBC.
Scheduled: Weekly as scheduled
Commitment: 1 year
Staff/Volunteer Contact: Julie Loose -
Role: First Impressions ushers are responsible for welcoming members and guests to the worship experience and helping them find a great seat. Ushers help to reduce distractions in each worship experience. Ushers ensure our service flows smoothly and are also responsible for collecting the offering during the worship service.
Scheduled: Weekly as scheduled
Commitment: 1 year
Staff/Volunteer Contact: Julie Loose -
World Café
Role: If you haven't noticed, people who attend FBC are crazy about the World café coffee and goodies. This service area needs individuals who can serve coffee, and help with setup and cleaning. This includes before and after Sunday services, plus events held on FBC campus. Volunteers will be trained on how to use our espresso machine and all related equipment. This is a very important ministry at FBC as all proceeds go to missions.
Scheduled: Weekly as scheduled
Commitment: 1 year
Staff/Volunteer Contact: Janie walker -
Morning Greeter/Information Desk Team
Role: These individuals welcome attenders at the doors, the atrium, and at the information desk each week. They are prepared to answer questions and provide information about FBC.
Scheduled: Every other Sunday. Times they serve currently: 8-8:15 a.m., 9:10-9:30 a.m., 10:40-11 a.m.
Commitment: Open
Staff/Volunteer Contact: Marv McCarthy -
Wednesday Night Greeter/Information Desk Team
Role: These individuals welcome attendees at the doors, the atrium, and at the information desk each week. They are prepared to answer questions on available studies and provide information about FBC.
Scheduled: Team members serve every other Wednesday. Times they serve are currently 5:45-6:30 p.m.
Commitment: Open
Staff/Volunteer Contact: Teressa Stanford -
Safety Team
Role: Men and women are invited to apply for this team that is responsible for the safety of all who attend the services and other events as needed.
Scheduled: As needed
Commitment: Volunteers serving one Sunday per month from 8:00am-12:30pm
Staff/Volunteer Contact: Todd Linder -
Missions, Community, and Administration
Mission Team
Role: These individuals are enlisted by the Committee on Committees and help lead our mission’s ministry at FBC. They make decisions regarding partnerships, projects, budget expenses, and mission strategy.
Scheduled: They meet about 9 times each year and are people who have been involved in missions.
Commitment: 3 years
Staff/Volunteer Contact: John Horton -
Mission Project Participant
Role: Specific mission projects are scheduled throughout each year ranging from local projects that take a few hours to international projects that encompass many days. Information about these projects is available in advance and the requirements vary for each trip.
Scheduled: A few hours to a few days. As needed and available.
Commitment: Open
Staff/Volunteer Contact: John Horton -
Teller Team
Role: These individuals are enlisted by the Committee on Committees and are responsible for counting offerings during the morning worship services and preparing the appropriate bank deposits.
Scheduled: As Needed
Commitment: 3 Year Commitment, serve on a rotating basis
Staff/Volunteer Contact: Deana Allsbrooks -
Site & Development Team
Role: Assist church staff with campus development and building projects
Scheduled: Monthly or as needed
Commitment: 1 year
Staff/Volunteer Contact: Lance Spross -
Ministry Planning Team
Role: Lead the short-term and long-term planning efforts of the church.
Scheduled: A needed
Commitment: As Needed
Staff/Volunteer Contact: Jim Norris -
Lord's Supper Team
Role: The Lord’s Supper Team is responsible for acquiring and preparing the elements for the Observance of the Lord’s Supper and for cleaning and storage of the trays used in that Observance. The church observes the Lord’s Supper about 4 times a year.
Scheduled: 4 times a year
Commitment: 1 year
Staff/Volunteer Contact: Archilene Smith -
Care Team
Role: The FBC Care Team is a team of volunteers who give their time and effort back to the community by performing minor repairs to the homes and yards of the elderly and/or needy in the Midlothian area. The goal is to share of the love of Jesus with those in need through positive actions while enabling the FBC Care Team members to live out the Great Commission
Scheduled: Bimonthly or As Needed
Commitment: As Needed
Staff/Volunteer Contact: Don Reese -
Building & Grounds / Housekeeping
Roles & Responsibilities of this team are usually "behind-the-scenes" duties, but they are extremely instrumental in creating a positive impression of our church & ensuring the minor details of the actual facility are appeasing & operating at all time. These talented team members are ones who love to work with their hands, love projects & fixing things, and enjoy all those "handyman" projects. From building maintenance to landscaping and all the projects in between, find out how you can keep our facilities beautiful & functioning.
Building Maintenance
Role: Persons who enjoy painting and home repair are needed to assist with various projects around the church from time to time. We supply the equipment, you supply the energy!
Scheduled: Once a month
Commitment: 1 year
Staff/Volunteer Contact: Ken Hill -
Ground Maintenance
Role: Care for the grounds & help the overall appeal of the exterior of our church. If you outdoor cleaning, we invite you to consider being a part of this team.
Scheduled: Once a month
Commitment: 1 year
Staff/Volunteer Contact: Ken Hill -
Vehicle Maintenance
Role: Care for church-owned vehicles, ensuring they are always ready for trips. This includes routine maintenance, cleaning, and small repairs.
Scheduled: Once a month
Commitment: 1 Year
Staff/Volunteer Contact: Ken Hill -
There are TONS of ways to serve at FBC Midlothian. We depend on our volunteers and their servant hearts for our minisries to function. Browse the volunteer directory to below and contact us to let us know where you want to find your fit.