Funtastic Friends
Special Needs Ministry for individuals preschool through college at FBC Midlothian
While there are numerous individuals in the Midlothian area who are physically and/or mentally challenged, there are limited opportunities for these individuals to attend church activities and become a part of a church family.
It is our desire to offer a ministry that will provide an opportunity for individuals with special needs (SN) to attend Bible study with their peers whenever possible. We also offer a Sensory Room that provides a less
stimulating learning environment for Bible study if that is needed.
Buddies will be provided for all SN individual so that their caregivers/parents can attend worship and Bible study. These Buddies will attend class with each SN individual and will assist with learning activities and physical needs. They will also take each SN buddy to the Sensory Room if the learning environment becomes too stimulating.
Each SN individual will check in through our Kiosk CHECK-IN system and receive a security name badge. The parent will retain the other portion of the name tag to be shown when picking up at the end of the service/class. No SN individual will be released to anyone without the proper security tag.
To best meet the specific needs of your SN individual please download and complete this information form. Then please contact Mary Eubanks, ministry coordinator, at Ashley will work with you and pre-arrange for a Buddy to meet you on the Sunday you plan to attend. It is best if this is all done ahead of time, so please do not wait until Saturday evening or Sunday morning to complete this. We want your first experience with us to be a wonderful experience.
If you have any questions please contact Libby Laughlin. We look forward to serving your family!