Worship Ministries
The FBC Midlothian Worship Ministry brings the Sunday morning experience to a whole new level. It takes a lot of people to put together what goes on in our main services. We have a traditional style service at 8:15, and contemporary style services at 9:30 and11:00.
If you are interested in being a Worship Ministry volunteer, click here to contact our Worship Pastor, Tim Hale.
Praise Team
Our Praise Team does more than just "sing music." Through music we prepare people for the message that God has for them and demonstrate what it means to Praise and Worship God. We meet each Wednesday night @ 7:30 pm.
To set up an audition for our Praise Team, contact our Worship Pastor, Tim Hale: tim@fbcmidlothian.org
Praise Band
Each week we assemble some of the finest musicians around who help us engage in worship as a family. Our services are noted for their powerful, modern style that energizes and focuses us on the greatness and holiness of God. We meet each Wednesday night @ 7 pm.
To set up an audition, contact our Worship Pastor, Tim Hale: tim@fbcmidlothian.org
Worship Choir
Our worship choir is the centerpiece of our Praise and Worship ministries. We sing both powerful ballads of worship to the Lord as well as songs that celebrate our God with high levels of energy and praise. We are made up of volunteers who have a love for worship and a desire to be a part of the ministry of exalting the God of Redemption and Healing.
Our Worship Choir ministers to our congregation in music as well leads our congregation in worship. We meet each Wednesday night @ 6:30 pm and childcare is provided! If you'd like to become involved in the Worship Choir, contact our Worship Pastor, Tim Hale: tim@fbcmidlothian.org
Drama and the Arts
At FBC Midlothian our Drama Teams keep busy with topic driven dramas throughout the year. We do dramas on marriage, family, anger, pride, humorous dramas, some that make you cry and others that make you laugh til you cry.
We enjoy using a variety of artistic formats, so if you enjoy painting or dance or you love to use dramatic sign language please contact Tim Hale, our Worship Pastor: tim@fbcmidlothian.org
Tech Team
Your experience at FBC Midlothian just wouldn't be the same without the Technical Arts Team. Our tech team makes everything else look and sound good. Our Tech Staff makes sure the stage is lit, the mics are working, the sound systems on, the large screens project the right graphics at the right time and our Worship services run the way they were designed to run so that every person that attends our services can focus on God alone.
If you'd like to get involved with our Technical Team, please contact John Horton, our Technical Director: jghorton@gmail.com
Traditional Service
For many, nothing stirs the soul like the powerful words of the Hymns, sung for generations, and still just as relevant today.
At 8:15 on Sunday mornings, a more traditional style service is held in the Chapel. Traditional hymns are sung with piano accompinament, along with special solos, and selections sung by the Masters Quartet. Join us for a taste of "That Old Time Religion!"
If you are interested in joining the traditional service team, please contact Albert Love, our Traditional Worship Leader: albert@fbcmidlothian.org