General Information
NEW Direct Phone #: (972)775-9030
Noah's Ark Bible School is a weekday extension of Noah's Neighborhood. NABS meets on Tuesdays and Thursdays, 8:30 am - 2:00 pm during the school year. Click here to download a detailed brochure for more information.
Parent Handbook 2015-16 (Revised handbook coming soon!)
Enrollment is now closed for our Summer Program.
Thank you for your overwhelming response!
Fall Enrollment Information
2016/2017 School Year: If you would like to register your child for the 2016-2017 we will have open enrollment beginning April 5, 2016.
Location: 1651 S. Midlothian Pkwy, Midlothian, TX 76065
Mailing Address: 1850 S. Midlothian Pkwy, Midlothian, TX 76065
2016-2017 Enrollment Application (Download electronic form version pdf. to computer to fill in.)
2016-2017 Enrollment Application (printable version pdf)
***See letter to interested families below containing fees and important information.***
Employment Information
Letter to Interested Families
Page Updated: 04.18.16