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Week of 5/8/2016


Verse to memorize: Deuteronomy 6:6-7

You must commit yourselves wholeheartedly to the commands I am giving you today. Repeat them again and again to your children. Talk about them when you are at home and when you are on the road, when you are going to bed and when you are getting up.

Whether you have young children, grandchildren, nieces and nephews, next-door neighbors or little friends, we all have a responsibility toward these youth.

Day 1: Read Luke 9:47; Deuteronomy 6:4-6; and Mark 12:28-34

Dig In: How does the heart function in Luke? What does God require of His children? What is "heart", "soul", and "might"? What did the scribe say was more important than religious ritual? Why did Jesus commend the scribe?

Take Root: "Heart" in Jewish thought is not the core of emotions and love, but the center of reasoning, intellect and will (or choice). God's words should be constantly in our thoughts. They should guide every decision.

Cultivate: How do you increase your knowledge of God's word, the Bible? Do you search the scriptures for answers to life's questions and problems? Do you pray for His wisdom to find His instructions and to understand the Bible?

Journal: What question or concern in your life are you dealing with right now? Can you find 1 or 2 verses that help in your thoughts or decisions? Are you allowing your children (or children you know) to see how the Bible influences your decisions?

Day 2: Read Deuteronomy 10:12-13; Leviticus 8:14; and 1 John 2:4-6

Dig In: These verses reveal what God requires of believers. What does He expect of us? What does it mean to "walk" in His way? How do we "walk" like Jesus?

Take Root: If we don't know what God has revealed to us in the Bible, we can't follow His instructions for our lives.

Cultivate: God doesn't want us to be half-hearted followers of Jesus--He expects us to walk daily in His commandments. The Bible uses the word "requires". How do you feel about these requirements? Are these commands there for us to work our way toward God, or for other reasons? What other reasons might there be? Do you find joy in following God? Pray for His joy.

Day 3: Read John 10:10; John 6:63; 2 Peter 3:10-12; and Philippians 3:7-9

Dig In: Does following God affect our lives here on earth? How? Does following God affect our eternal life? How? Where do we find real life? What is abundant life? How did Paul feel about following Jesus?

Take Root: God cares about our life here on earth as well as our eternal life. Following God is of supreme value. It should be our passion.

Cultivate: Are you exhibiting a life that is passionate for Christ? Or is following Jesus something you do when it is convenient? Something just for Sundays? Ask God for excitement and enthusiasm in your walk with Him.

Journal: Do you share your excitement about Jesus with the children that you know? How can you do this?

Day 4: Read 2 Peter 3:18; Psalm 19:9-10; Psalm 1:2; and Colossians 1:9-10

Dig In: As believers, what are we to do? How do we view the study of God's word? What do we do with God's word? What was Paul's prayer? What did Paul desire for other Christians?

Take Root: As mature believers, we are always to be investigating and celebrating God's word.

Cultivate: Are you growing in Bible knowledge? Are you delighting in God's word? Are you helping other believers and children to grow and understand scripture? Are you praying for younger believers "without ceasing"? Ask God to give you a burden to pray for the children in our church.

Day 5: Read Psalm 145:4-7; Deuteronomy 11:18-20;Deuteronomy 4:9; and Psalm 78:1-7

Dig In: What are we to share with the children in our lives? When do we share with children? What should be the result of this sharing?

Take Root: Observant Jews literally write scripture on their doors (by placing tiny scrolls in boxes called mezuzahs on their doorways) and on their foreheads (by fastening Bible verses to the head in small containers called tefillin or phylacteries). But I don't think this is God really meant by these verses!

Cultivate: Wearing a cross or putting a cross on your wall doesn't really communicate much to children or to others about your belief in Jesus. What would convey your faith? How can you do this? This week, praise God daily to your children or to someone else.

Journal: Do you believe in God's awesome power and see His wonderful works? What wonderful act did God do today? What do you need to do to share God's blessings and great acts daily with others?

Cultivating the Soil

  • Do you believe that your children (or other children you know) have a sinful nature? Are you concerned about their eternal life? Are you praying for their salvation? What are you doing to teach them about Jesus? What are you doing about teaching them God's expectations for them as they follow Christ?

  • Do you pray daily for your children or other younger believers? What do you pray? What might you add to your prayers?

  • Do you have family worship time? Do you pray at meals? Do you pray at meals in restaurants?

  • How do you show your children (or others) the importance of Jesus in your life? What could you do to show them even more?

Small Group Questions

  • Throughout Scripture, teaching younger Christians is important! In fact, Jesus said, "whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a great millstone fastened around his neck and be drowned in the depth of the sea" (Matthew 18:6). This is not the small hand stone to grind grain, but the huge grindstone for a town or village. What do you think of Jesus' statement? How does God view teaching children His word accurately? How does God view NOT teaching children about Him? Are you teaching "little ones" in both your words and your actions?

  • Are there times or places that Jesus' teachings don't seem to apply? Why? What is God's expectations of his commandments? Do God's instructions apply to only certain situations or circumstances? How can you live out the Bible every day, all day?

  • Do you rejoice in studying God's word? Do you rejoice daily in His blessings and magnificence? What would change in your life if you did?

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