Verse to memorize: Genesis 1:27
So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female, he created them.
Day 1: God Created Marriage – Read Gen. 1:26-28, 2:20-25
Dig In: What does it mean to be created in the image of God? Why is it important to remember that before sin, Adam and Eve were perfect reflections of their creator? What can we learn about God’s purpose for marriage in these passages? What does the term “one flesh” mean in terms of the marriage relationship? How is it that they felt no shame in their nakedness?
Take Root: It is crucial that we understand that God’s design for the family started with the creation account and its emphasis on the marriage of Adam and Eve. Their relationship was ordained before sin’s effect on creation.
Cultivate: How has our culture’s view of marriage drifted from God’s intended purpose? While it is easy to point out how our world is headed in a wrong direction in this area, the greater need is for us to understand and embrace God’s purpose and design for Christ-centered marriages. What part of God’s design for marriage is hardest for you to live out or understand?
Journal: What areas of the marriage relationship do you need God’s help to better understand or live out? (Husband\Wife roles? Selfless love? One Man\One Woman for life?, etc.) Ask God to put some couples on your heart to pray for. Write those names down and commit to praying for them over the next week.
Day 2: Sin Messed up Marriage – Read Gen. 3:1-13
Dig In: What was deceptive about the serpent’s question in vs. 1? Why did the serpent try to get Eve to understand that she could be “like God”? What role did Adam play in this sin (vs. 6)? What is the significance of them wanting to cover themselves now verses how they felt about themselves before they ate the fruit? How was Adam and Eve’s relationship effected by this act (vs. 12)?
Take Root: This passage tells of how Sin entered the world and its effect on all of creation, including the marriage relationship. It is important that we understand that the image of God in humanity was distorted at the very point that Adam and Eve chose to disobey Him.
Cultivate: How does sin affect our view of marriage? We see throughout scripture that relationships are crucial to a healthy life. Why do you think that marriage is a prime target for Satan to attack? Isolation is the breeding ground for the enemy to gain a foothold on one’s life. How are you protecting your life by being a part of a biblical community?
Day 3: Marriage’s Goal is Holiness – Read Eph. 3:14-21
Dig In: What would your life look like if God answered Paul’s prayers in this passage for you (be strengthened, Christ’s indwelling, power to grasp how huge God’s love is, be filled completely with God)? What if we prayed this same prayer for our families? What encouragement do you receive from vs. 20-21? Why did Paul include “throughout all generations”?
Take Root: As Paul prays for all of God’s family to know Him fully and find the strength to live from His love, he is reminding the church in Ephesus and today’s church that our purpose in life is to pursue holiness in all that we do. That includes our relationships, including marriages. Author Gary Thomas proposes a great question in his book, Sacred Marriage – “What if God designed marriage to make us Holy more than to make us happy?”
Cultivate: What can happen in a marriage if each person were to see their marriage as an opportunity to grow closer to God? What impact would that have on their children and future generations? What part of Paul’s prayer is God wanting to get your attention about today?
Journal: How is God wanting you to live out Paul’s desires in this prayer? Write down one thing that God is asking you to do in light of this passage.
Day 4: Healthy Marriages Create Healthier Parents – Read Philippians 2:1-11
Dig In: Why is unity so important in the church? How does that apply to a family? The beauty of this passage is in that unity is not something that just happens because people are in the same place…it happens because of being like-minded in love and purpose. Why did Paul include the section on how Jesus did this?
Take Root: The second half of this passage that shows Jesus’ example of humility is actually text from a hymn that was sung often in the early church. They would have used this in services to bring focus to how Jesus modeled humility and how the church needs to strive for that same thing.
Cultivate: When a husband and wife can live this out with each other, what impact will that have on their parenting? It is understood that healthy marriages (one’s that love selflessly and sacrificially) produce healthier parents. How have you seen this lived out well or badly?
Day 5: What is Your Marriage Teaching Your Children about God? - Read 2 Corinthians 5: 17-20
Dig In: What is the definition of “reconciliation”? What does it mean to be reconciled with God? Why are believers called to a ministry of reconciliation? What is the duty of an American ambassador in a foreign country? What is our role as an ambassador of God in our world? How does this passage apply to the concept that we are responsible to “pass the torch” of our faith to the next generation?
Take Root: Christians are called “aliens” in a world that we are just passing through (Phil 3:20). We have a responsibility while here to point others to God. The most important and difficult place for that to be done is in the home with our family. Allow this passage to encourage you to courageously represent God to your family.
Cultivate: What would a casual observer of your life say that you represent? As Christ-followers, we are called to model humility. When seeking to meet the needs of those around you is more important than having your needs met, you are showing a heart that has been reconciled to God. Future generations need this generation to understand this if they are going to be who God is calling them to be. There are many things that we can pass on to the next generation… living like Jesus will have the greatest impact!
Cultivating the Soil
Read Colossians 3:12-21 together as a family.
What is your favorite outfit for watching TV? Eating out? Wedding?
This passage talks about how we should dress ourselves since we are loved by God. What are the things that this passage says we should clothe ourselves with? What is the hardest to “put on” everyday?
Parents: explain how living out the principals in this passage helps you parent your children.
Married People: discuss why these things are sometimes hard to live out.
Children: take one of the concepts of this passage and explain how you will live that out this week.
Small Group Questions
What is the best memory you have growing up? What people are present in that memory? What about those relationships make this memory so precious?
God, from creation, has seen the family as the primary vehicle to transfer faith from one generation to another. How would you describe your current efforts to pass your faith onto others in your life, especially children?
As ambassadors of Christ, how can we better express God’s love to our neighbors through marriage? What are situations where we can model the beauty of Jesus and his bride, the church. Why is that difficult at times?