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Week of 6/5/2016


Memory Verse: Romans 7:25 “Thanks be to God, who delivers me through Jesus Christ our Lord!”

Day 1: Read Matthew 5:27-30

Dig In: How is Jesus calling his listeners to a higher standard of living?

Take Root: This passage is similar to what Jesus says in surrounding verses about murder, divorce, oaths, and loving enemies. Jesus is showing how his followers need to look at their motives and their actions.

Cultivate: How does Jesus look at the cause of our sinfulness by focusing on lust instead of the act of committing adultery?

Journal: Write down the things that Jesus needs to “operate” on in your heart. What sinful habits and motives does he need to remove? Pray and ask God to change your desires so that your life is more honoring to him.

Day 2: Read Romans 5:6-8

Dig In: Is it easy for you to give up your time or comforts for people who treat you well? What about for those who do not?

Take Root: Paul explains that Christ loved people so much that even though humans were out of step with God and living in disobedience, he still chose to come down and save us.

Cultivate: How much more valuable does Christ’s death seem knowing that he initiated the process of salvation even though humans were wrapped up in disobedience to Christ?

Day 3: John 8:31-32

Dig In: How does God set you free from the bondage of sin?

Take Root: In the following verses, Jesus explains that those who sin are slaves to sin and slaves have no place in the family. Slaves did not receive all the benefits of being in a family. God adopts us into his family and gives us all the benefits of being his children.

Cultivate: How does the Holy Spirit help you overcome temptation?

Journal: Take your list of operations and write down ways in which you agree with God that your habits, motives, and actions need to change. Explain to God how you are in agreement with him about repentance. Pray and ask him to show you how you can change to think more like Christ.

Day 4: Read Romans 7:18-25

Dig In: Do you feel frustrated when you sin and immediately recognize that you made a poor choice?

Take Root: Paul tells us that he would do things he did not want to do and that he would not do things he did want to do. How often are we in the same position as Paul? We choose things that are not good for us, and then we realize how wretched we are.

Cultivate: Thank God for loving us in spite of ourselves. Thank him for not condemning us once we have Christ.

Journal: Think about lies you tell yourself to justify sin. Pray and confess the lies. Write down truths about the reality of sins you are drawn toward. Pray again and ask God to give you clear vision to see through the lies the next time temptation arises.

Day 5: Read Luke 9:23-25

Dig In: Why is it so difficult to deny our sinful desires in order to follow Jesus?

Take Root: Jesus shares that his disciples will follow him, but he does not expect them to do it all on their own. We need the Holy Spirit, Christian friends, and the Word of God to help us live in obedience to the Lord. But we should also know that God’s rules are put in place for our good. They protect us from ourselves.

Cultivate: Who can you ask to help keep you accountable to walk in a way that brings honor to Jesus?

Cultivating the Soil:

  • What are some things that need to be removed or cut out from your spiritual life?

  • When we do not deal with things that hinder our spiritual lives, how do those things eventually affect our walk with God?

  • Why is it important to address the attitude that produces sinful behavior and not just the behavior itself when it comes to our spiritual lives?

  • Why is it important to deal with sin immediately?

  • In what ways is it better to let Jesus help us deal with our sins instead of trying to fix our problems ourselves?

  • What can you do to keep turning from sin and to keep turning to Jesus?

Small Group Questions:

  • What habits hinder you spiritual health?

  • Why do we neglect dealing with some of our bad habits and attitudes even though they hinder our spiritual lives?

  • Why should we not play games with God concerning matters of spiritual health?

  • What does it mean to repent and why is it so important to do so?

  • How is repentance a “lifestyle” decision?

  • Spiritually speaking, why are our hearts in constant need of a spiritual operation from Jesus?

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