Day 1: Read Romans 6:1-2
Dig In: Why is it important to live the Christian life to the glory of God instead of in bondage to sin?
Take Root: Paul recognizes that believers still struggle with temptation, but he also knows that we are not to give up the good fight and surrender to it as if we cannot overcome. He knows we can overcome, because he knows we have God on our side.
Cultivate: How does God’s Spirit help you to overcome temptation?
Journal: Ben mentioned that we are to replace sin with the fruit of spirit, God’s Word, and God’s people. Take a few minutes and think about some verses that deal with temptations you face. Write down those verses on some post-it notes and put them around your house. Read them as you go around the house throughout this week.
Day 2: Read Romans 6:11-14
Dig In: What does it mean to offer yourself to God?
Take Root: Paul reminds his readers that they are not slaves to sin. They are recipients of grace. Jesus has delivered them from sins bondage and set them free so that they can live in a way that brings glory to God. Their lives can show the world how God desires for us to live.
Cultivate: When we live in a way that is pleasing to God, we are more fulfilled and full of joy. We are satisfied in who God has made us to be. How do you show God gratitude for your salvation?
Day 3: Read James 4:4-8
Dig In: How do you draw near to God?
Take Root: James tells his readers that their motives are out of place. He then tells them in these verses that they need to have pure hearts. It is difficult to stand against sin when we put it on a pedestal in our hearts that should be reserved for God alone.
Cultivate: What things are in your heart that need to be removed?
Journal: Ben mentioned in the sermon that when we stop sinful practices, we need to replace those practices with new things. Make a list of sinful things you are drawn to do. Think about what you can do to avoid going to those places, being with those people, etc. Think about what you can put in place of those things so that you do not so easily go back to him.
Day 4: 1 Corinthians 6:9-11
Dig In: What was your life like before you came to know Christ?
Take Root: Paul reminds the Corinthians that they have been saved, because they are apparently taking one another to court. They are living in a way that appears to be worse than the non-Christians around them. Paul exhorts them to stop treating each other poorly because that kind of behavior does not reflect who they are in Christ.
Cultivate: What do your relationships with other believers say about your walk with the Lord?
Day 5: Ephesians 2:1-5
Dig In: Why do you think God decided to save us, even though we were all sinful?
Take Root: Paul reminds his readers that God’s grace is abundant. God has saved us in spite of who we were, so that he could lead us to become who we are supposed to be. Because of salvation, we need not be slaves to sin.
Cultivate: Who do you need to pray for so that he or she can find Jesus and be freed from his or her sins?
Journal: Make a list of 10 good habits you have and a list of 10 bad habits. Then think about how you can continue your good habits and what you can learn from them in order to correct some of your bad habits. Pray and ask God to help you convert some of your bad habits to new good ones.
Cultivating the Soil:
How do you know when to resist temptation and when to run from it?
Why is it important to replace friendships that draw you towards sin with friendships that encourage you in the faith?
Why is it important to recall what you were like before you met Christ?
How is giving into sin like resisting God instead of temptation?
Small Group Questions:
Why should we decide to stand up to temptation everyday instead of waiting until we have had enough of it?
In times when you turn back to sin, how does looking back to the time when Christ saved you help you renew your commitment to follow him?
In what ways can you replace sinful behaviors with God’s Word?
How does placing our trust in God help us to stand up to the bullying of the devil?
How does the fruit of the spirit help prepare us to live a life where we are better equipped to stand up to temptations?