Memory Verse: Colossians 3:21
“Fathers, do not aggravate your children, or they will become discouraged.”
Day 1: Read Colossians 3:19-21
Dig In: Why should fathers not want to discourage their children?
Take Root: Paul has just encouraged his readers to let the peace of Christ rule in their hearts and he is now showing how that peace should play out in the home for believers.
Cultivate: How can you show your children to obey without becoming harsh in a way that will cause them to become bitter towards you?
Journal: This week, Bruce said “Parents are responsible for teaching a directing, and training their children to recognize dangers to avoid, opportunities to seize, instructions to obey.” Make a list of dangers you want your children to avoid, opportunities you want them to have, and instructions you want them to obey. Spend a few minutes praying for your children about each of these things.
Day 2: Read Ephesians 6:1-4
Dig In: Why is it important to bring up children in the training of the Lord?
Take Root: Paul understands the importance of raising a family to follow Christ. As parents we want our children to make our faith their own, but we must teach them how to do this.
Cultivate: In what ways do you teach your children to love the Lord and to follow him in their lives
Day 3: Read Exodus 20:12
Dig In: Why is it important to honor your parents?
Take Root: Note that this commandment comes with a promise. The idea is that if parents are training their children well and if children are following in the training, they should be prepared to have a meaningful life full of joy.
Cultivate: How do your children honor you? How are you still honoring your parents?
Journal: This week Bruce stated that sons and daughters must follow the leadership of their parents, but he also stated that parents must define and enforce boundaries in healthy ways. Make a list of healthy ways that you can define and enforce boundaries with your children. Pray and ask God to help you use healthy means for creating boundaries. Pray and ask God to keep you from being like Simon who wants those in his game to fail.
Day 4: Read 1 John 3:1-3
Dig In: How is God like a Father to you?
Take Root: John reminds his readers that we are called God’s children because he loved us. In fact, he loved us so much that he made it possible for us to have eternal life. We will spend that life in the midst of his presence, blessings, and goodness.
Cultivate: What can you learn from looking at God the Father to see how you should be a parent to your children?
Day 5: Read Luke 15:31-32
Dig In: Have you ever felt jealous of the way you saw a parent treat someone else?
Take Root: In the story of the prodigal son, the son who remained home became jealous of the brother who had wandered off and squandered his inheritance. Yet the father was still glad when the son returned home.
Cultivate: In what ways can you show your children that you still love them and care about them, even when they make poor decisions?
Journal: It is important for families to grow closer together at every new season in life. Make a list of things you can do to build stronger bonds in your family. Think about things you can do, places you can go, goals you can reach for, and games you can play. Pray and ask God to help your family become healthier as a family as you grow closer together in the coming days, weeks, and months.
Cultivating the Soil:
How do good boundaries help keep kids safe from physical or emotional hurt?
In what ways does obeying your parents help you to have a more joyful life?
Why does God want children to obey their parents?
Why is it important for kids to know “why” certain boundaries are in place?
How does knowing the “why” of boundaries help families grow closer together?
Small Group Questions:
What is the difference between leading and controlling someone?
How should parental leadership prepare the next generation to lead well in the home, in society, and in the church?
Why do parents not really like to set rules or enforce boundaries?
Why do children need safe and trustworthy parents to guide them through life?
In what ways can you establish healthy boundaries in your home?