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Week of 06/26/2016


Memory Verse: Matthew 7:15

Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves.

Day 1: Read Matthew 23:1-5

Dig In: Have you ever told someone that he or she needed to do something knowing that you yourself don’t do that very thing? If so, did you feel convicted about it?

Take Root: Jesus saw through the hypocrisy of the Pharisees. He knew they put on a good outward show, but that their hearts were far from loving God.

Cultivate: Why is it important for your heart to be in tune with your actions?

Day 2: Read Romans 7:14-20

Dig In: Have you ever done something you knew was wrong only to later ask yourself why you even did it in the first place?

Take Root: Even Paul struggled with doing things he knew were wrong, but he did not want to do those things, because he loved God. He recognized that he was at war with his sinful desires.

Cultivate: How can God help you to stand strong against your own sinful desires? How can he help you to follow him?

Journal: Make a list of the masks you wear. Then make a list of who you want to be. Pray and ask God to help you remove the masks and to help you live in obedience to him. Ask him to help you to be who he is calling you to be.

Day 3: Read Matthew 7:15-20

Dig In: Have you ever seen an orange growing on an apple tree? Or a grape growing on a plum tree?

Take Root: Plants produce the fruit that they are made to produce. Humans also produce fruit based on what is in their hearts. False teachers produce bad fruit, their words are like poison to the church. Good teachers produce good fruit. Their words draw the church closer to the Lord.

Cultivate: Does your life point others to Christ or does it turn them away from the Gospel?

Day 4: Galatians 5:19-24

Dig In: In what ways does living with moral values draw people to the Lord?

Take Root: The things that please God run opposite of the things that are sinful. The things that please God build bridges, open doors, and offer hope. The things of the flesh cause alienation, embarrassment, and lead to rejection.

Cultivate: How does putting away sinful practices and replacing those practices with the fruit of the spirit bring about a more fulfilling life?

Journal: Think about how others see you. Think about what you see when you look at yourself. Do others see the same things you see? Write a prayer to God asking him to help you be a person of integrity. Ask him to help you to keep your word, to say what you mean, and to mean what you say. Ask him to use you to draw others to his Gospel.

Day 5: Read Psalm 119:105-112

Dig In: Why is it important to commit to following Christ before temptation comes your way?

Take Root: The Psalmist recognized that others would try to ensnare him and make him sin, so he committed to knowing God’s Word so that he would recall God’s commands when facing temptation.

Cultivate: What steps do you need to take to better learn God’s Word now so that when trouble arises, Scripture will come to your mind?

Journal: Make a list of verses that you know will help you in areas where you struggle to follow the Lord. Write them down on post-it notes and place them around your house, office, or car so that you will read them often. Pray and ask God to help you remember his word when temptation comes your way.

Cultivating the Soil

  • Why do we try to hide our sin from others?

  • How do you wish you could be better?

  • Why is it important to confess your sin?

  • Why is sanctification a process? Why is there always more room for us to learn to better follow Christ?

  • How do the fruit of the Spirit show others that your beliefs are real?

Small Group Questions

  • Why is it tempting to try and make others think we someone we are not?

  • As Christians, why do we want to be better at following Christ?

  • What does it mean to live confessionally, given that we have sanctified and unsanctified parts of our lives?

  • In what ways do a person’s actions really show you what he or she believes?

  • How does knowing that Jesus has forgiven you help you to bear more fruit for him in how you live?

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