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You were born because God wanted you. He wanted to know you, He wanted to love you. As the Creator, He really did have a choice: He could have skipped humanity altogether. But out of all the creation, He made human beings different: He gave them the capacity to have real relationships.

His desire was to have the most satisfying of relationships with us; but He loved us enough to give us a choice. Unfortunately, history is chocked full of the effects of choosing poorly.


The Bible describes those bad choices as sin and that sin creates a wall between us and God. We cant get near Him without feeling guilt. That guilt is deadly and we feed it with more bad choices, more self-induced pain, and with more running away from God.

But God didn't let that stop His love. In fact, while we were still running from Him, doing things that were absolutely offensive to Him, He loved us enough that He gave His Son as a sacrifice for us. Literally, it was as if we had been kidnapped by our own sin; Jesus paid the ransom for us, and it was costly. The only way to ransom your life was to lay down His own life. He died to ransom and rescue you from your own sin.


So today, God has already paid the price, made a way for you to be rescued and restored. But he hasn't taken away your choice. You must choose to say "Yes" to His ransom.


How do you say "Yes" to a love offer like that?

1. Admit your need - "God, I have made sinful choices, rejecting your love."

2. Ask Jesus to be your rescuer and leader - "Jesus, please forgive my sin and be my Savior forever."

3. Accept Jesus Love for a Lifetime - "Today, I turn my life over to you. Help me to trust you and follow you from this day forward."

Copyright 2016 FBC Midlothian  1651 S Midlothian Pkwy, Midlothian, TX, 76065  (972) 775-9000

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